Red Hotel Series

Three Books


Red Chaos, the third book in the Red Hotel Series, is now available. Ed Fuller, Foundation Board Member, will donate a portion of book sales from the Red Hotel Series to the FBINAA Charitable Foundation!  Order your copy TODAY!!!

The Arctic ice is melting, the waters are warming, and Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov is one step closer to monopolizing the oil industry and funding his expansionism plans past Ukraine and Latvia. Russian-backed attacks have shut down the Suez Canal and other key shipping routes, making it nearly impossible for the West and the Middle East to transport oil.

With nothing less than oil futures and the global economy at stake, one man slips out of the shadows to stop Gorshkov' s maniacal plans: Dan Reilly, a freelance State Department and CIA consultant. In his attempts, Reilly is drawn into a web of intrigue twelve years in the making, involving the current American president, a United States senator, a Chinese businessman, and the death of a young girl. How these seemingly unrelated elements have a profound impact on Russia' s far-reaching plans is what makes Red Chaos a thriller to be read like breaking news.

Red Chaos is the third novel in the acclaimed Red Hotel series by thriller masters Ed Fuller and Gary Grossman, who America' s political and intelligence insiders have noted, “ might as well sit on the National Security Council."


When a bomb rips the faÇade off the Kensington Hotel in Tokyo, dozens are killed and injured while one man walks calmly away from the wreckage, a coy smile playing on his lips. Former Army intelligence officer Dan Reilly, now an international hotel executive with high level access to the CIA, makes it his mission to track him down. He begins a jet-setting search for answers as the clock ticks down to a climactic event that threatens NATO and the very security of member nations. Reilly begins mining old contacts and resources in an effort to delve deeper into the motive behind these attacks, and fast. Through his connections he learns that the Tokyo bomber is not acting alone. But the organization behind the perpetrator is not who they expect. Facilitated by the official government from a fearsome global superpower, the implications and reasons for these attacks are well beyond anything Reilly or his sources in the CIA and State Department could have imagined, and point not to random acts of terror, but calculated acts of war. RED Hotel is an incredibly timely globe-trotting thriller that's fiction on the edge of reality.


Intelligence experts and thriller authors concur: RED DECEPTION is “A page-turner by authors who might as well sit on the National Security Council.”

When terrorists bomb bridges across the country and threaten the Hoover Dam, the vulnerability of America's infrastructure becomes a matter of national security. But Dan Reilly, a former Army intelligence officer, predicted the attacks in a secret State Department report written years earlier—a virtual blueprint for disaster, somehow leaked and now in the hands of foreign operatives.

With Washington distracted by domestic crises, Russian President Nicolai Gorshkov sends troops to the borders of Ukraine and Latvia, ready to reclaim what he feels is Russia's rightful territory. Tensions in Europe threaten to boil over as a besieged American president balances multiple crises that threaten to upend the geopolitical order.

This is the chaos into which Reilly leaps headfirst. Reilly's position as Global Head of Security for the Kensington Royal Hotel Corporation means he must keep his customers and staff safe as the crisis envelopes countries across three continents. His past as a State Department analyst means he recognizes the connections behind the seemingly disparate terror attacks, assassination plots, and authoritarian power plays that dominate the headlines. But it's the very knowledge that makes him good at his job that also makes him a target—to the press, to the government, and to the forces gathering for another assault on America.

Follow Reilly as he travels the world to safeguard both his company's assets and his country's secrets. With the US at the mercy of an egomaniacal leader, and reporters and covert agents on his tail, he may be the one man who can connect the dots before an even bigger catastrophe unfolds.

RED DECEPTION is the second book in the RED Hotel series.